SA Province 3SA Province 3 – Johannesburg Open Heavens AssemblyPastor Pius ObaGAUTENG AREA 3GAUTENG AREA 3 – CELEBRATION Celebration CentreDeacon Gbenga PeleyejuOasis ParishAP Iloba JamesCornerstone AssemblyBro Abiodun AkinwaleGAUTENG AREA 4GAUTENG AREA 4 – CHAPEL OF PRAYER Chapel of PrayerPastor David SowunmiShekinah ModelPastor Osikwemhe PaulBethel ParishBrother Edu AzubikeGod Is LoveAP John MofeyisiroGAUTENG AREA 7GAUTENG AREA 7 – UNITY MODEL Unity Model ParishPastor Matthew Adejuwon Adekoya Tabernacle of PraiseAsst Pastor Olufemi FasemoreHouse of JoyAsst Pastor Olasunkanmi Majekodunmi OvercomerAsst Pastor Leonard IkediashiNORTH WEST 1MAHIKENG AREA 1 – RECHARGE CHAPEL MAHIKENG AREA 1 – RECHARGE CHAPELThe Recharge ChapelPastor Akpovire OduaranFountain of LifeAP Caroline AjilogbaMAHIKENG AREA 2MAHIKENG AREA 2 – PENTECOST ASSEMBLY Pentecost AssemblyBrother David SemelaneComforter's PlaceBro V MokolaneGod Heritage ArenaHazel MufhanduThe Greater TurnaroundBrother T LegaeSolid RockBrother I DonovelLighthouseBrother Kwabena KorsahNORTH WEST 2NORTH WEST 2 RUSTENBURG Elim SanctuaryPastor Rembley MasiloChapel of GraceBrother Nanbayo KatotolaBRITS AREABRITS AREA – SUNRISE Sunrise ParishAssistant Pastor Rembley MasiloElim ParishAssistant Pastor Elizabeth LekalakalaTrinity ParishAssistant Pastor Emmanuel Phiri